Photograph of Fall Gourds with complimentary colors

Fall Color the Day Before Halloween
f/5.6 – 1/125 sec – ISO 200 – Focal Length 60 mm

The day before Halloween these pumpkins and gourds seem appropriate.  The photograph is also a good example of some basic photography  concepts.  Namely, depth of field, using complimentary colors and filling the frame.  The depth of field is rather shallow with the focus point being the orange and white pumpkin in the middle.  This leaves the large pumpkin in the rear and the front rim of the plate a bit out of focus.  The orange of the gourds and the blue of the plate are complimentary (opposite each other) on the color wheel.  the concept of filling the frame is pretty self explanatory.  The entire subject of the image goes from one side to the other and top to bottom without leaving any non-subject related space around the edges.

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