Photo of a light rail station in Tempe, AZ
Valley Light Rail Station in Tempe, AZ
f/13 – 1/1000 sec – ISO 400 – Focal Length 35 mm

Something as utilitarian as a metro train station could b e built, well, very utilitarian.  But that is rarely the case.  Civic “leaders” and others involved in making such decisions more often than not spend the extra money to incorporate design, art and architecture into public works projects.  The Valley Light Rail system in the Phoenix metro area has taken a lot of flack for being too expensive, too slow, not enough and most any other complaint you can conjure up.  But regardless of what you think of the system itself, the effort taken to incorporate art and design into the while project has really paid off.  These repeating lines at the University and Rural station in Tempe are just one example.  I think a day of raiding the rails with a photographic stop at each station is due.

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