There are daily photo blogs all over the Internet now. One popular form is the city based blog. You can find a daily photo blog for almost any city you can think of. For cities you are familiar with (or even those you are not) it is great to follow photo blogs for cities like Phoenix, New York City and Tucson. I am particularly fond of because Tucson is where I grew up and is “home.”
The Tucson blog recently requested submissions from readers so I sent one in and it was posted today. If you are at all familiar with Tucson, or even if not, this blog is worth taking a look at.
Mike, Studio city
on June 28 2010
I know Tucson pretty well. My Mom lived there from ’81, until she died in 2000. We are all originally from Yuma but I have lived in L.A. for nearly 40yrs except for ’84,’85 I lived in Phx. TMI? :)
on June 28 2010
Not TMI…its good to know where people are and where they have been. :-)