Mark your calendars, Sunday, June 5th is World Environment Day.  Established in 1972 by the United Nations, World Environment Day is designed to raise awareness of the environment and enhance political attention to and public action on world environmental issues.  In recognition of the day, Brazilian based Vale, the world’s second largest mining company, is sponsoring a photography contest.  The photography contest entitled, “Eye on Sustainability,” calls on photographers to capture sustainability and environmental issues.  Although this year’s contest has a theme of “Forests: Nature at Your Service” participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from any sustainability related areas and submit their photos into one of three categories:

  • Wonders, celebrating what needs to be preserved
  • Challenges, showing examples of threats to long-term sustainability
  • Solutions, looking at real-world examples of today’s best practices for living sustainably on Earth

Three winners will be chosen and will be featured in a special advertising section of the December 2011 issue of National Geographic.  In addition they will receive a Nikon D3100 camera and a framed, signed print from National Geographic.

In celebration of World Environment Day on June 5th get your cameras out there and capture an image that signifies sustainability to you; from what is at risk today to what is being done to preserve our earth environment.  Entries will accepted through August 31st and can be submitted online

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