Every so often I come across a photographer whose work I connect with.  Phillip Toledano’s photo essay, Days With My Father is one such work.  I have done very little portrait photography and am drawn much more to non-human subjects such as nature and architecture.  But Phillip Toledano’s portraits of his father in the last years of his life are an amazing collection that represents the type of portrait photography I would love to do if I did portraits.  They are not conventional studio portraits, rather they are visual stories of the subject that draw you into their life.

In addition to the website, Days With My Father, Mr. Toledano has also published this collection in a book of the same title, Days With My Father.  Check out other Photography Books by Phillip Toledano too as his work is very thought provoking and well done.

2 Responses to “Phillip Toledano – Days With My Father Photo Essay”

  1. Alexander

    on June 7 2010

    Wow…that is amazing!

  2. Mike

    on June 7 2010

    I thought so too. It is really well done.

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