I am participating in a 365 photo project from Faded & Blurred and am a bit surprised that I am still going.  As of yesterday there have been 160 days in the year so we are almost half way through.  Admittedly, my Flickr set only has 151 photographs in it; meaning I missed 9 days.  But it is a lot more difficult than you might think to work photography into your schedule every day.  I find myself scrambling sometimes at 9 o’clock at night to find something to photograph.  And some days I just don’t have it in me to shoot.  So I am going to look at missing only 9 days as more of an accomplishment than a defeat.  I’ll try to keep the total number of days missed under 15 (being realistic that I am bound to miss a few more).

Although just a sampling, as you can see, my images have run the gamut from food to my dogs to everyday random sightings.  The great thing about a project like this is that it makes you think about photography everyday (or virtually everyday).  By doing so you are constantly viewing your surroundings as the next great photograph and hopefully improving your photography day by day.

My Faded & Blurred 365 Photo Project Images

4 Responses to “The Faded & Blurred 365 Photo Project Over 150 Photographs Later”

  1. Mark Alexander

    on June 10 2010

    You have WAY more dedication than I.

  2. Mike

    on June 10 2010

    I think it has become more obsession than dedication.

  3. Mike, Studio city

    on June 13 2010

    Nice blog, great photos. M.

  4. Mike

    on June 13 2010

    Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. – Mike

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