365 Photo of the day for 2-24-2010Today is day 100 of the Faded and Blurred 365 photo project.  What is a 365 photo project you ask?  It is rather simple in concept but a little harder to successfully carry out.  It involves taking one photo a day, every day, for an entire year.  And in the case of this project posting it on Flickr in the designated 365 Photo Project group.  The key is not to just post one photo a day, but to post a photo taken that day.  that is what makes it challenging.  First you have to find the time to take the photograph.  Then, the even more taxing part at times, you have to find the motivation and inspiration each day to capture an image.

But it really forces you to keep your photography at the forefront of your mind every day and to keep yourself thinking about the next great shot.  It makes you use your photographer’s eye and see beyond the ordinary every day.  Even on those extra ordinary days.  Finally it allows you to share your work and solicited feedback from a very talented pool of fellow photographers.

I have put a link to my 365 photo gallery on Flickr in the sidebar of the blog.  Feel free to follow along on Flickr or even to join the group.

365 Photo Project 1-17-2010

365 Photo Project 03-10-2010

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