Photo of the full moon over Balboa Park in San DiegoMoon Over Balboa
Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
f/6.3 – 2.5 sec – ISO 100 – Focal Length 55 mm

Balboa Park in San Diego is one of my all time favorite places for photography in general.  But the night photography opportunities in the park are some of the best of anyplace.  Throw in a full moon night and it is just extra icing on the cake.

5 Responses to “Photo of the Day – Moon Over Balboa”

  1. Mike, Studio city

    on July 27 2010

    Not much to say. Glad to see you are home safe after your travels. I always find it hard to leave San Diego. M.

  2. Mike

    on July 27 2010

    I agree, it is hard to leave. Great place to visit and photograph.

  3. Mike, Studio city

    on July 27 2010

    The “El Prado” restaurant located in this building is the perfect place for a cozy dinner. I recommend sitting out on the terrace. M.

  4. Mike

    on July 27 2010

    I saw that restaurant, but did not get a chance to eat there this time around. But there is another Comic Con next year. :-)

  5. Mike, Studio city

    on July 27 2010

    Another year, another Comic Con, ah life is good.

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